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*titles for identification purpose only


Union District Educators Association (UDEA)
California School Employees Association Chapter 704
Santa Clara County School Boards Association

Elected Officials/Officers of Organizations*

I support Measure V because it will help raise the funds Union School District needs to provide high quality education for our students, supporting science, technology, math, engineering, as well as high quality reading and writing programs and programs in music and visual and performing arts. The District needs these funds to retain and attract highly qualified teachers and instructional support staff, and to continue to provide the outstanding education it provides. — Thomas Rossmeissl
Board of Trustees Member
Union Little League supports Measure V! Our baseball players are USD students, and USD students are our baseball players! We value our strong partnership with USD, and rely on their continued support of youth sports in our local community. Measure V ensures continued funding of our award winning schools, and will help ensure high quality teachers stay, and enrichment programs continue. — Brian Tam
President - Union Little League
Manny Barbara
Special Advisor to CEO of Silicon Valley Education Foundation
Sheila Billings
USD Board of Trustees Member
Vickie Brown
USD Board of Trustees Member
Doug Evans
USD Board of Trustees Member
Pam Foley
District 9 Councilmember
Mary Martin
UDEA Teacher Association President
Rob Moore
Los Gatos Town Councilmember
Jennifer Petroff
USD Board of Trustees President
Thomas Rossmeissl
USD Board of Trustees Member
Darby Young
CSEA Chapter 704 President


I totally back Measure V because it will generate the necessary funds to support programs in science, technology, math, reading, writing, music, and the visual and performing arts for schools in Union School District. Also, the funds are essential for hiring and keeping skilled teachers and support staff, ensuring the district maintains its excellent educational standards. Also, as a life long educator, I believe that education is not a linear process and is not limited to the classroom borders. It must be considered that each student will have differing levels of existing knowledge, and varying methods of learning. Therefore, it involves the effort of every single stakeholder to engage, support and provide necessary programs to meet every student's need. — Vahideh Abaeian
PhD holder in Management, Parent and Volunteer
USD provides stellar educational opportunities for our local youth, while receiving some of the lowest funding in the county. A yes vote on V can help maintain the results our residents have come to expect. — Marisa Black
USD provides an incredible value for the money residents pay to support the high quality education USD is known for. That doesn't happen by accident. Good schools = Strong Communities. — Erik Burmeister
Former UMS Principal
I support Measure V because I strongly believe in both STEM focus and a well-rounded education (Music & Arts). Also, this will help retain highly capable teachers in the schools my children attend. — Anirvan DuttaGupta
Guadalupe Elementary parent (grades 1, 5)
As a social worker and parent, I endorse Measure V to allow our diverse educational programming, critical educational intervention programs and mental health services/counseling to continue for all USD students. — Annie Grella
Carlton Parent
I support maintaining a first-class education for our children in USD schools. — Lina Guo
Guadalupe Elementary School Parent
I endorse Measure V to support our USD Schools and its excellent teachers, parent supporters and high education and club programs. — Surt L Lim
As a parent of an elementary school student, I wholeheartedly support Measure V because it plays a crucial role in ensuring our children receive a well-rounded education. Early introduction to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is essential for fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in young learners. These are the building blocks for their future success in an increasingly technological world. However, a truly comprehensive education must go beyond STEM. Programs that incorporate music and the arts are equally important for nurturing creativity, emotional expression, and cognitive development. Measure V ensures that our schools have the resources to offer diverse and engaging programs that captivate students' imaginations and talents across all subjects. To create these enriching experiences, schools need adequate funding to implement and sustain programs that inspire our children to explore both the sciences and the arts. By supporting Measure V, we invest in our children’s holistic development, setting them on a path to becoming well-rounded individuals prepared for the future. — Meghna Mittal
Parent Volunteer Lead for Math Olympiad
I support Measure V - for teachers, for continued valuable mental health support, for students. — Megan O'Connor
I support maintaining a first-class education for our children in USD schools and its excellent teachers, maintaining class sizes, STEM and club programs. — Eileen Ong
Guadalupe Elementary School Parent
I have two kids enrolled in USD (soon to be 3) and support the investment in the local public school system as well as the teaching professionals who invest so much into the young people from our community who are tomorrow’s leaders! I proudly support and advocate for Measure V. — Brian Watson
Parent / School Advocate
Yes to high quality teachers, yes to quality reading and writing programs, math/science/tech/engineering, yes to manageable class sizes, and yes to extra support for our kids where and when they need it! Here to support the teachers and the students in our community. — Lia Wollen
Kate Adams
Special Education Director
Sanaz Amini
Speech-Language Pathologist, Parent, and Volunteer
Dr. Carrie Andrews
Afrozy Ara
UMS Parent
Ana Armenta
Community Member
Dr. Ali Ashrafzadeh
Stephanie Awuzie
Community Member
Cathy Bailey
Jaya Bammi
Daisy Barocio
Fuzuli Bayramli
Community Member
Julia Beh
April Benoit
Scott Boggs
Shayani Bose
Tyler Botha
Community Member
Aaron Brengard
Associate Superintendent
Cristene Burr
President and CEO
Betty Candel
Community Member
Karla Carlen
Janelle Carmassi
Carlton Parent
Venkat Chakravarthy
Alex Chapman
Hank Chen
Kevin Chen
Lily Chen
UMS Parent
Yujin Choi
Rajarshi Chowdhury
Guadalupe Elementary School Parent
Lorna Cleary
Guadalupe Elementary & Dartmouth Middle School Parent
Joy Dapuzzo
Priya Dayanand
UMS Parent
Karen de Castro
Special Education teacher
Lisa DeLapo
Technology Director
Burcak Demirdogen
Neeraj Dhulekar
Diana Dillon
Community Member
Laura Duran
UMS Parent
Nagapadma Eaturu
Ashley Failing
Parent at Guadalupe and Dartmouth
Becky Fan
Parent and GHSC Board Member
Todd Feinberg
Lindsay Fischer
Community Member
Carolyn Flanders
Parent and Educator
Claire Fowler
Community Member
Jessica Friedman
5th Grade Teacher
Gary Frost
Mary Frugoli
Taryn Gaona
Melanie Gee
Kelli Ghanati
Shannon Gonzales
Carlton Parent
Wendy Gonzalez
Community Member
Ryan Greco
Sean Greenwood
Community Member
Nicola Grist
Chantel Guinto Anderson
Guadalupe Elementary Parent
Bhuplesh Gupta
UMS Parent
Michelle Hallgren
Kathy Hao
Parent at Guadalupe Elementary
Haley Hernandez
Community Member
Lindsay Hogan
UMS Parent
Marilyn Howden
Community Member
Mallory Ignacio
Sarah Jellin
Associate Superintendent
Lauren Jewell
Alta Vista Home & School Club President
Alice Johnson
Alta Vista Parent
Amy Johnson
Luke Johnson
Christopher Jones
Community Member
Satish K
Claire Kalia
Co-President, Union Middle School Home and School Club
Helen Kamali
Kiran Kamath
USD Parent
Sonal Kande
Sonal Kande
Young Kang
Sarah Keith
Denise Khalid
Elzbieta Kowalska
Susan Lavelle
Teacher on Special Assignment
Anna Le
Crista Leamons
Sun Young Lee
Guadalupe Elementary school parent
Yuna Lee
Anna Leung
Fiscal Services Director
Huixia Li
Guadalupe Elementary
Sharon Liara
Community Member
Brooke Libman
HSC President
Sharon Liera
Community Member
Mia Llamas
Community Member
Christina Lotz
Parent of a Guadalupe student
Duc Luu
Priscilla Ma
Guadalupe Elementary School Parent
Lokeshwari Mahanteshwar
Manel Mahroug Khan
Data Scientist & Parent
Taylor Maia
Kedar Mane
Audrey Mantell
Assistant Principal
Ellen Mapes
Michael Marin
Community Member
Randy Martino
Lisa Matson
UMS Parent
Jigisha Mehta
UMS Parent
Sam Miller
Noddin & UMS Parent
Rachel Missildine
Lietz Parent
Annie Murphy
Student Services Director
Noriko Musgrave
Savita Nataraj
Special Education Instructional Assistant
Glen Nesbitt
Special Education Teacher
Christa Norum
Carlton Parent
Gaelen O'Connell
Community Member
Christina Olvera
Anthony Pagtama
Carlton Avenue Elementary Parent
Marissa Palacios
Carlton Parent
Maria Palmini
Guadalupe Parent
Deepak Pandey
Natalie Park
Guadalupe Parent
Kirsten Perez
Assistant Superintendent
Jessica Prouty
Community Member
Julia Pugliese
Teacher & Parent
Nadia Ramos
Sandeep Rao
James Ray
Community Member
Jennie Reynolds
Classroom Teacher
Jeffrey Robert
Community Member
Dr. Richard Ruiz
Assistant Principal
Chrissy Sanchez
Special Education Program Specialist
Kyle Sanchez
Heather Scharer
Education Director
Meagan Serra
School Counselor
Misha Seth
Foram Shah
Armine Shahbazyan
Guadalupe Elementary School Parent
Allison Smith
Guadalupe Elementary Parent
Susan Smith
Parent of Branham High School & San Jose State students
Mary Jo Sponseller
Retired Teacher
Cayden Su
Vindhya Subramanian
Frank Sun
Community Member
Lauren Surrette
Evan Suzuki
Community Member
Kris Suzuki
Registered Nurse
Akane Szegedi
USD Parent & Substitute Teacher
Emily Tam
HSC President
Jason Tan
Kathleen Thompson
Community Member
Saurabh Tiwari
Jennifer Torres
CSEA Chapter 704 Board Member & Resident
Anna Uhm
1st Grade Teacher
Saunya Vaban
UMS Parent
Danielle Vigil
Ambika Vijay
Parent Carlton and UMS
Lizzette Villanueva
Danielle Walton
Komin Wang
UMS Parent
Eugene Watt
Lietz HSC President
Linda Weilert
Community Member
Beth Wendland
Carlton Parent
Kelly West
Carlton Parent
Tiffany White
USD Parent
Catie Wilcox
Kerry Williams
Carlton/UMS Parent
Joyce Wong
Parent and GHSC Board Advisor
Megan Wright
Meng Xiao
Alison Yang
Guadalupe and Dartmouth Parent
Gwenzoe Yang
Community Member
Tanya Yates
USD Elementary School Teacher
Yolanda Yinger
BCBA Manager
Cyndy Yu
Pingping Yu
UMS Parent
Kinjal Zaveri
Mingjing Zhao
Parent, Senior Engineering Manager
Wenjie Zhou
Carlton Parent
Iuliia Zonova
Carlton Parent


Paid for Committee for Quality Schools in USD – Yes on V 2024 FPPC #1363578 15559 Union Avenue #194, Los Gatos, CA 95032
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